OpenAI has the potential to significantly enhance the effectiveness of SOC services by automating many of the tasks that are typically performed by human analysts and using machine learning solutions to predict future security threats.
In this article, we will examine how malicious entities exploit times of crisis, particularly with the coronavirus pandemic being followed by a period of prolonged turmoil on the geopolitical stage.
Solarwinds, an essential tool for monitoring and controlling the technological infrastructure of organizations has recently been hacked, affecting more than 18,000 SolarWinds customers around the
Although an SOC can be set up by the organisation itself as another internal and integrated component of its IT infrastructure, the vast majority of cases involve the introduction of an SOC through an external provider due to the organisation lacking the knowledge and expertise to properly implement an SOC themselves.
Why it is important to separate your home network from your professional network, as well as how Boltonshield can enable you to get the best out of a remote working setup while minimizing the potential risks to your company and your employees.
Between the growth and refinement of cloud-based SaaS software, rising inner-city property prices in metropolitan areas around the world, progressively more affordable high-speed internet, and international team composition and collaboration, remote working has experienced a tremendous growth over the past decade.