Offensive Services

Source Code Review

Boltonshield provides code review services for our customers so they can detect and fix vulnerabilities in web and mobile applications already at the development stage. We believe that the reason behind a number of security flaws is that developers either ignore or are unaware of all secure coding practices.

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Internal Infrastructure Testing

We recommend an internal network security assessment to all our clients who have sensitive information stored on their intranet or internal network, and prefer not to have them accessed by employees without proper roles or authorization.

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Server Credentialed Check

Credentialed checks allow for more accurate assessment and identification of weak configurations, missing fixes, and similar vulnerabilities, which further strengthens the organisation’s security, primarily, but not exclusively, through the insight gained on the need for specific improvements.

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External Infrastructure Testing

Infrastructure security is a top priority for all IT managers. Organisations must be proactive in locating network vulnerabilities and resolving them in order to prevent attacks that can cause system downtime, data loss, and damaged reputations.

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Mobile Application Testing

Mobile is the new standard platform for application development, however, managing risk on these new devices is also a growing challenge as new mobile application vulnerabilities are found every day.

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Web Application Testing

Companies depend on web apps to handle their most sensitive information. With the growing complexity inherent in these applications comes unforeseen security flaws and room for simple human error. This risk increases as web applications become more interconnected through the linking of APIs.

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